Adrien Berthelot
My e-mail address: adrien.berthelot (at) ens-lyon (dot) fr
PhD @ ENS de Lyon, OCTO Technology, Inria
The complete environmental footprint of digital usage: a contribution to life-cycle analysis of digital services
Manuscrit (en français) :
The thesis was defended on 12 November 2024 at the École Normale Supérieur de Lyon (ENS de Lyon).
- Berthelot, A., Caron, E., De Laage, R., Lefèvre, L., & Nicolas, A. (2025). Fine-grained methodology to assess environmental impact of a set of digital services. Currently in review.TechRxiv.
- Berthelot, A., Caron, E., Jay, M., & Lefèvre, L. (2025). Estimating the environmental impact of Generative-AI services using an LCA-based methodology. Communications of the ACM Special Issue on Sustainability, to appear.
- Simon, T., Ekchajzer, D., Berthelot, A., Fourboul, E., Rince, S., & Rouvoy, R. (2024, July). BoaviztAPI: a bottom-up model to assess the environmental impacts of cloud services. In HotCarbon'24.
- Berthelot, A., Caron, E., Jay, M., & Lefèvre, L. (2024). Estimating the environmental impact of Generative-AI services using an LCA-based methodology. Procedia CIRP, 122, 707-712.
- October 2024. Life cycle assessment and computer science: the What and the How. Invited talk at Eco-ICT 2024 Summer School, Fouesnant, France. Link of the event
- October 2024. Lifecycle assessment as a tool and a field of research, contributions to digital sobriety. Invited talk at IRIT and LAAS-CNRS seminar on digital sufficiency, Toulouse, France. Video (in french)
- June 2024. Towards a multi-criteria evaluation of the environmental footprint of generative AI services. Selected poster, with Mathilde Jay, for ICT4S 2024, Stockholm, Sweden. Poster
- April 2024. Estimating and understanding the environmental impact of a generative AI service. Selected conference for Green-Days 2024, Toulouse, France. Video (in french)
- March 2024. Countering the environmental impact of large digital infrastructures: levers, AI and life cycle. Invited talk: Responsible Digital Festival at École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, with Laurent Lefevre and Mathilde Jay, Saint-Étienne, France.
- September 2023. LCA of a showcase website, a typical digital service use case. Selected conference, with Eddy Caron, Laurent Lefèvre and Alexis Nicolas for The 11th International Conference on Life Cycle Management(LCM), Lille, France. Video
- March 2023. Digital service lifecycle analysis: definitions and challenges. Selected conference for GreenDays 2023, Lyon, France. Video (in french)
- September 2022. Digital technology and the environment: false solutions and real problems. Invited talk: ENS de Lyon association for popular science conference Confér’ENS, Lyon, France.
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